Glass is transformed.. a thousand colours and shades, incisions imprinted

forever into the ethereal transparency of the glass

COLVETRO... the art of transforming glass

Colvetro is located in the heart of Tuscany, in the Val D'Elsa area, and is a leader in the field of decorating and transforming glass.
Screen printing, sand blasting, satin finishing, incisions and decorations of every kind are all carried out in our plants to produce beautiful objects of glass and crystal.
Within the company there is an in-house graphics department that works on new ideas every day, so that we can create items of design and tradition.
Innovation, technology and industrial operations tied to continuous research have placed Colvetro among the most avant-guard and competitive decorating companies in Europe.
Colvetro .. the art of transforming glass

Ragione sociale: Colvetro Srl
Sede legale: Via Po,10 Poggibonsi (Si)
Registro delle Imprese
Capitale sociale: 10.000 euro